
Choosing the right keyword for your website is one of the most important parts of any SEO campaign. It’s what determines what people will see when they search for your product or service online, so it has to be chosen carefully to maximize results. Independent SEO consultant Sydney can evaluate the SEO keyword. When it comes to choosing a keyword are good at it.

Think about the search intent.

Search intent is the reason why someone is searching for something. It’s important to understand this because it will help you determine how you should structure your content, which in turn will improve your site’s rankings.

Search intent can be broken down into different categories:

  • Informational – someone wants information about a product or service that they don’t already have. They want answers to specific questions like “How do I…” or “What are the advantages of…”
  • Transactional – someone wants to buy something, but they don’t know exactly what they’re looking for yet. This can mean anything from booking travel plans online (e.g., searching “hotels in New York”) or ordering food delivery services through an app on their phone (e.g., searching “pizza restaurants near me”). In both cases, these users are still deciding which options are best before making a purchase decision; therefore we can say they have transactional searches!

Check if the keyword is too broad or too narrow.

A good keyword should be just right. You want a keyword that’s broad enough to attract traffic, but not so broad that you’re targeting everyone with it. For example, if you write an article about how to make money blogging and use the word “blog” as your keyword, this would be too broad because there will be too many people searching for this term. A better option would be something like “how to make money blogging” or even better yet: “how I make $1k per month from my blog”.

The reason why we recommend using specific phrases as opposed to single words is because they tend to attract higher quality leads who are more likely interested in what we’re selling (in this case – information about how I earn money from my blog).

Think about the competition.

The competition is a major factor in deciding whether or not you should go after a keyword. If there are thousands of websites competing for the same keyword, it will be very difficult to rank well and get traffic. The best way to determine how competitive a keyword is is by doing an analysis using tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush, who will show you how many sites are ranking for that term in Google’s top 10 results, as well as where they are ranking (i.e., first vs. eighth).

If there are hundreds or even dozens of competitors already ranking for your desired term(s), then chances are good that those sites have more authority than yours does at this point–and thus will take some time before being able to compete with them successfully on SERP rankings alone (without other forms of marketing). You may also need additional content creation efforts beyond just creating new pages; these could include things like press releases/influencer outreach campaigns/social media posts related specifically towards driving traffic back towards those pages over time until enough momentum builds up within those newly created assets so they can eventually overtake existing ones without having any negative impact whatsoever upon one another’s overall performance metrics.”

Consider your audience.

When you are building an SEO strategy, it’s important to think about your audience. Who are they? What do they want to know? And how can you help them find answers? Asking these questions will help you better understand the keywords that make sense for your website.

You may have heard that “content is king,” but when it comes down to it, content isn’t everything–it’s just one piece of a bigger picture (or puzzle). If someone searches for “how do I get rid of ants” on Google and finds your article about what kind of ant bait works best in different situations, then great! You’ve helped them solve their problem and given them something useful at no cost whatsoever! But if instead all they see is ads related only indirectly related topics like “ant killer spray” or worse yet…nothing at all (because no one has written any helpful articles), then that person might leave feeling frustrated and never come back again…and neither will anyone else who happens across those same results while searching later down the road when looking specifically for information related directly towards solving problems with ants rather than just general knowledge about them overall.”

How can you get more traffic from the keyword?

  • Blog post: A blog post is an excellent way to get more traffic from a keyword, especially if you can rank for it. Blog posts help build authority and trust with your audience, which will make them more likely to click on your site when they’re searching for that keyword.
  • Video: Videos can be used in many different ways, but they’re particularly effective when used as a response video or answer video on YouTube. You should also consider creating educational videos like how-to guides or informational videos (like “Top 10 tips for growing tomatoes”).
  • Podcast: Podcasts are another great way to provide value and build authority around specific topics related to what people are looking for when they search online. It’s also easy enough that anyone can do it without having any experience in audio editing or video production–just record yourself talking about whatever topic interests you most!

Keywords are an important part of SEO and should be chosen carefully to maximize results.

Keywords are an important part of SEO and should be chosen carefully to maximize results. Keywords are the words people type into search engines like Google or Bing to find your website. They’re also called “search terms,” “key phrases,” or “long-tail keywords.”

Keyword research is a critical part of any SEO strategy because it helps you understand what people want from your business, which helps you create content that answers their questions and ultimately drives more traffic from search engines.

To choose effective keywords:

  • Think about the search intent, competition and audience for each keyword you’ve identified so far. Are there other relevant keywords that could help you reach more customers?


By following these steps, you can make sure that your keyword is one that will bring you the traffic and conversions that you need. It’s important to remember that not all keywords are created equal, so take time before choosing which ones to use in your marketing campaigns.