Aged care courses Sydney will enables you to understand the old age people mindset on how to deal with them. So your corporation wants to create a child care center, or so you think. The corporate buzz seems to be it would be a wonderful service to provide employees and possibly community, and it would be terrific to see beautiful healthy children as part of your company scenery. But, unless your company’s expertise is child care, you probably don’t have the vaguest idea of where to begin. Someone handed you this project at the last meeting and like Nike’s slogan to you to: “Just Do It.”

Step One: Identification of the Promoters
Whose idea was it to get a daycare center going at your company? Was it a grassroots movement evolving from company employees at the Suggestion Box level, a Human Resources Department movement specifically calculated to recruit and retain employees, a daydream from the Finance Office, or was it merely upper management’s whim to improve the corporate image? The source of the daycare idea and the identification of the people behind the planning and financing is the best clue you will have as to the success or failure of your program. This is information you must have in order to create the appropriate daycare for your facility. This is information you must have to evaluate whether or not your daycare center will be viable.

People who promote daycare want it for a specific reason, and they are willing to plan for it, to finance it, and in general to make a long term commitment to the vitality of the center if they are reasonably guaranteed they can get what they want out of the daycare.

For the planner, it is extremely important to remember that “what they want” is not always the same as “providing quality daycare” for children. And conversely, always remember that “providing quality daycare” for children does not necessarily mean you have to exclude “what they want.”

Here is a list of people who are usually involved in planning a center along with their mostly likely reasons for wanting to establish a child care center.

CEO/President of Company (for personal prestige and a legacy)
Finance Department (to make money)
Risk Management (to better manage liabilities)
Planning & Development Offices (to control space allocation)
Human Resources Department (to use as a recruitment tool)
Special Interest Groups (to help unions members)
Community Leaders (for political recognition)
Child Welfare Agencies (creating more child care slots)

Step Two: Identification of the Benefits

The decision to create a child care facility, to be brutally honest, is time consuming and expensive. There must be legitimate reasons for a corporation to take on this project. In order to satisfy questions you must know exactly how this center is expected to benefit the corporation. Just as daycare is not suited for every child, daycare is not suited for every corporation. Here are a few ways a corporation might benefit from having a center.

Grassroots Benefits: When a corporation provides daycare, or even access to daycare, to the children of employees, the corporation is immediately imbued with paternal characteristics. Basically speaking, the boss is taking care of the kids. The corporation benefits instantly from an undeniable feeling that the corporation cares about its employees and their families.

The interesting thing is that even if employees never use the daycare facility during the entire time of their employment, they take pride in the fact that their employer provides this service and they enjoy seeing the children around the work site.

The fact that the employee pays what may be a considerable amount of money to use this service does not seem to detract from the kindly feelings that are generated by the presence of an employee sponsored daycare.

Recruitment and Retention Benefits: It is a recruiter’s job to sign up the best recruits for their corporation as possible. Having child care services on site gives that recruiter an edge. Many a mother has made her professional employment decision based on the availability or lack of child care. Close, practical daycare solves many problems as parents return to work.

While corporations electing to provide child care services benefit from the above, there are other benefits that come from their investment as well. In general, any corporation that increases the number of available child care slots is seen by the community as forward thinking and progressive. They are also seen as being sensitive to women’s issues and interested in caring for their employees’ needs. These benefits alone can go a long way to make for a happy and stable work force. And that’s definitely a good investment.

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